Dinosaurs in scripture

     Many people do not realize that dinosaurs are mentioned in scripture while others purposefully try to hide the fact in order to support evolution, an old earth, and scripture as unreliable. They also want to deny Jesus as the Creator. These people are not saved and serve Satan, but there are also many professing Christians that do not know the truth because pastors will not teach it because either they are afraid of people thinking they are a fool or they do not believe it themselves. The idea of dinosaurs being mentioned in the Holy Bible blows people’s minds as it goes against what most people have been taught in that dinosaurs died out over 65 million years ago and man only came about 2 million years ago. If people would read scripture as found in the King James Bible and believe it then there would be no problem as people would know what they have been taught about dinosaurs has been a lie. God clearly shows in his word how he created all things including man and dinosaurs in six day with both dinosaurs and man being created on day six. No bible actually uses the word dinosaur in it. The word dragon is used instead as that is what these animals were originally called. The word dinosaur was only coined in 1841 by Sir Richard Owen and means terrible lizard. This was over two hundred years after the King James Bible came out so obviously the word is not found in a real bible. Modern corrupt, counterfeit bibles would never use the word dinosaur as they support the satanic agenda of corrupting God’s word as well as afraid that no one would buy their bible if dinosaurs were mentioned in it since people have long been brainwashed that they did not exist with man. Many modern bibles even remove many places that the word dragons is used and replace it with something else to further disassociate the word dragons with dinosaurs to make it appear as if dragons were only in myths and were never real. Nothing could be further from the truth as Satan himself is called the dragon in Revelation. (Revelation 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,) Satan wants people to believe that dragons were not real since they represent him and he also wants people to believe he is not real as well. Besides the generic dragon, we will see two specific dinosaurs mentioned by name in scripture as well as other types of general dragons.   

     We now know the word dinosaur is not found in scripture, but rather the word dragon. The first thing we want to prove is that dragons were real and not myths as most people teach. For this we will look outside scripture for scripture just expects you to believe that they are real since they are mentioned as God expects you to believe all of his word and not pick and choose what we want to believe or not believe. The Chinese zodiac consists of twelve animals with the dragon being one of the twelve. Eleven of the animals are recognized by all as real animals yet they deny the dragon as being real. The Chinese have always admired the dragon as they have a long history of rebellion against God and I have already mentioned how the dragon represents Satan in scripture. Why would the Chinese put eleven real animals and then a mythological animal for the twelfth? They would not as to them the dragon was very real. In fact the Chinese emperors used to raise dragons to pull his chariots and Marco Polo mentioned this fact when he visited China in the second half of the 1200s. Marco lived in China for 17 years. The Chinese emperor even had a royal dragon feeder and it is believed they had them as early as 1611 BC. Marco Polo even saw a unicorn which was most likely a type of rhinoceros. We will discuss this later even though it is not a dinosaur. Many people try to discredit Marco Polo by saying he was confusing real animals with mythological ones. Those that do this are also denying God’s holy word as found in the King James Bible since it describes both dragons and unicorns.

     Dinosaurs or dragons as God calls them were created on day 6 of creation. (Genesis 1:24-25 24 ¶ And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.) (Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.) Dinosaurs as land animals would be one of the beasts of the earth described in verse 24 and they were made out of the ground. We also see that God made all creatures including dinosaurs after his kind. This clearly shows that evolution is false as God did not have animals evolve into a different animal, but rather one kind of animal will always only produce that kind of animal. We will also see soon that marine animals and fowl or birds were created on day five or before land animals and dinosaurs again showing the falsehood that dinosaurs evolved into birds. How ridiculous anyway to think a large sauropod dinosaur could become a little humming bird. Scripture also shows us that man was created on day six along with dinosaurs. (Genesis 1:26-28 26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.) Footprints of both man and dinosaurs have been found together including at the Grand Canyon. The lying evolutionists try to claim they were not made at the same time, but they want us to believe that a dinosaur footprint existed for over 63 million years and then the conditions were right for a man to walk over the same print and leave his without the dinosaur footprint being destroyed. How dumb do they really think people are that believe the Holy Bible? There are also cave drawings done by man that depict dinosaurs including Diplodocus. How would man know what they looked like unless it was because he hunted them and saw them alive? Dinosaurs are still around today with man. Missionaries over in Africa in the Congo have seen small sauropods about the size of elephants. The natives when shown pictures of an elephant, sauropod and a tiger readily recognize the elephant and sauropod and call them by name, but do not recognize the tiger since they are only found in Asia. The natives know they are real. There are books out on the subject as well as part 3 of Dr. Kent Hovind’s Creation Seminar Series speaks on them and shows pictures of cave drawings. Cultures all over the world have had these drawings and have stories about dragons because they were real. This is similar to why there are so many creation or flood stories around the world because they too were real. People may say the idea of dinosaurs still being around is crazy, yet scientists found the coelacanth fish in 1938 alive that had supposedly gone extinct 66 million years earlier. Just as in the ocean there are still places in the jungles on land that are unexplored, so why could a dinosaur not survive undetected? Most likely there are not a lot of them, but they still exist none the less. The Komodo dragon is the largest lizard and still retains the name dragon. Who is to say it is not a type of dragon, but ignored by scientists since it is visible and alive? Why have the name dragon otherwise? Remember the name dinosaur means terrible lizard.    

     Besides land dragons, scripture talks of marine and flying dragons. Scientists today try and say that dinosaurs were only land animals and that marine “dinosaurs” such as plesiosaurs and mososaurs were not dinosaurs, but just a type of marine reptile with dinosaurs as a land reptile. They also say the flying reptiles such as the pterodactyls were not dinosaurs either, but scripture once again proves them wrong. God calls the land dinosaurs, the marine plesiosaurs and mososaurs, and the flying pterodactyls all dragons. God does not classify them differently. Therefore a child is correct to call all of these dinosaurs or dragons. Scripture says the marine and flying dragons were both created on day five, a day before the land dinosaurs. (Genesis 1:20-23 20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.) We see in these verses that God created both the marine and flying dragons from water whereas the land dragons were made from earth or the ground. Man was also made from the dust of the earth and scientists have proven that man has the same chemicals as dirt. Marine dragons such as the plesiosaurs and mososaurs would be part of the every living creature that moveth in the waters as seen in verse 21. The pterosaurs or flying reptiles are fowl. In scripture fowl refers to birds, bats, and flying reptiles. This can be seen in the list of unclean animals for Israelites where bats are considered fowl. This definition was long understood by man until the 1700s to 1800s after the release of the King James Bible when scientists tried to make their own classification system that did not match God’s. (Leviticus 11:13 ¶ And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,) (Leviticus 11:19 And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat.) Verses 14-18 list more types of birds and then verse 19 has bats along with other birds and verse 13 calls all of these fowls.

     Just as with the land dinosaurs, then there is some evidence that some marine plesiosaurs or similar type of dragon still exist such as the Loch Ness Monster or Lake Champlain monster. Many have been sighted. While many are hoaxes, there are some that cannot be explained. In the case of the Loch Ness monster, it has access to the ocean so it could easily go back and forth and this is why it is so elusive.

     The Holy Bible speaks about the fiery flying serpent in Isaiah 14:29 and Isaiah 30:6. (Isaiah 14:29 ¶ Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.) (Isaiah 30:6 The burden of the beasts of the south: into the land of trouble and anguish, from whence come the young and old lion, the viper and fiery flying serpent, they will carry their riches upon the shoulders of young asses, and their treasures upon the bunches of camels, to a people that shall not profit them.) Serpents like dragons have long     been associated with Satan which we will look at later in our study. It is very possible that these fiery flying serpents refer to a pterosaur. Scientists deny any pterosaurs breathed fire, but if the fiery flying serpents were pterosaurs then God says otherwise. They were either a pterosaur type creature or some type of flying fire breathing snake. Just as there are legit sightings of plesiosaurs, there are also legit sightings of pterosaurs around the world. People try to classify them as cryptozoology animals and the people as frauds, deceived, or otherwise, yet many sightings of all types of dinosaurs whether on land, sea, or air come from very credible witnesses who have much to lose by reporting the sightings yet they still do. Why risk it unless you truly know what you saw was real. It is just like the apostles who willingly gave their lives to tell us that Jesus rose from the grave because they knew it was real and the same applies here. American Indians of the US west spoke of a creature similar to a pterosaur they called thunderbird. While this creature may not be exactly a real creature, it was most certainly probably based off of a pterosaur and then maybe embellished. There are even some very small lizards that fly up to 200 feet today that no scientists deny. Remember dinosaur means terrible lizard and here again we have a lizard that matches a pterosaur. These lizards are the domesticated bearded dragons and the Chinese water dragons. Notice that they too still retain the name dragon which was the original name of dinosaurs. Draco is the best of these flying dragons or lizards. The Draco is called a flying dragon again retaining the dragon name. Draco means dragon. There is a constellation called Draco as well that is associated with the dragon. This constellation is part of the gospel in the stars and Draco represents Satan and his attack on Jesus. Scripture mentions the constellations being put there by God for signs. We see that all three types of dinosaurs or dragons from land, sea, and flying are still alive today. The reason why most people including Christians are so quick to dismiss the possibility of them still being alive is because of unbelief. They do not believe God’s word that they were real creatures and that dragons are what we call today dinosaurs and the other reason is because even most Christians have been so brainwashed and bought into the lie that dinosaurs including the pterosaurs and plesiosaurs all died out about 65 million years ago so there is no way they could still be alive today. If people would forget about what they have been taught and instead look at the evidence then it will be obvious that there are some still alive today, though most are much smaller. All animals were bigger before the flood due to the atmosphere having more oxygen and a higher pressure. This is why growing a tomato in a hyperbaric chamber which simulates this higher oxygen and pressure grows tomatoes to the size of basketballs. Animals were the same way. Scientists have found oxygen at these higher concentrations in fossils. Nearly all fossils today came from the global flood of Noah’s day so the bones would be of dinosaurs when they were bigger and not like the smaller versions found today.

     Scripture speaks of two dinosaurs by name. The first was a land dinosaur God calls behemoth and the second one was leviathan that was a marine dragon. Most people today try to deny they were really dinosaurs as this goes against their agenda of an old earth and evolution. Many modern bibles will have footnotes of an animal that nowhere comes close to matching what scripture says just hoping the reader is dumb enough to believe it or at least cast doubt on God’s word.    

     The behemoth is mentioned in Job which is considered the first book of the Holy Bible written and thus the oldest. Job lived around the time between the death of Joseph and the birth of Moses. It appears that Job and his friends were all descendants of Abraham. Job is possibly the third son of Issachar and thus Abraham’s great grandson. Job’s friend Eliphaz was a descendant of Abraham through Esau and Teman as Job 2:11 shows and other scripture. Job’s friend Bildad seems to be a descendant from Keturah’s son Shuah as Job 8:1 shows. Genesis 25:2 shows Shuah as a son from Keturah. (Genesis 25:1-2 1 Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah.
2 And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah.) Job lived in the land of Uz which was the land of the Edomites named for Esau. Job was still offering sacrifices for himself and the family so we know he lived before the Levitical law, but after Abraham as I just showed. This puts him living around 1591 BC when the events of Job took place. Job lived after the global flood as I have shown. This shows scripture describing Job seeing a dinosaur/dragon roughly 3,622 years ago, much less than the 65 million years that scientists say. Let us take a look at the behemoth. (Job 40:15-24 15 15 ¶ Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
16 Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.
18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.
19 He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him.
20 Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.
21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.
22 The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about.
23 Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.
24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares.) Modern corrupt, counterfeit bibles capitalize Behemoth to promote Satan. I have already said that dragons are a type of Satan. There is no reason otherwise to capitalize behemoth. They do the same with leviathan that we will look at next. Modern corrupt counterfeit bibles will have footnotes that usually say behemoth was a hippopotamus or occasionally a legendary creature in order to promote evolutionary thinking. They know it is a dinosaur which have become legendary, but they would never dare use that word. The Roman Catholic Douay-Rheims version has a footnote that says behemoth was an elephant. I will show you the ridiculousness of these animal choices that cause doubt of God’s word when the animal that God describes is clearly a sauropod dinosaur. In verse 15 we see God tells Job to behold the behemoth. Behold means look, so God is telling Job to look at this animal which he had created. We will see that behemoth clearly is describing a dinosaur showing that they were still around at the time Job was living. If they had died out millions of years earlier as evolution teaches then God could not tell Job to look at one or he would have had to create a new one on the spot and Job would have been surprised by the new animal, but Job was not as it was an animal he knew. We see that Job was also not terrified of the animal as is taught in dinosaur books and movies. Notice verse 15 says God made the behemoth with Job, not only showing that God created both dinosaurs and man as we saw earlier in the study, but also how he made them together on the same day. We see behemoth would be one of the beasts of the earth as described in Genesis 1. Verse 15 also describes the animal as eating grass, meaning it was an herbivore. This animal which we will see is a sauropod ate grass, just as the sauropods did. Verse 16 has God saying the strength of the behemoth is in its loins. The loins describes the muscles around the lower back and the waist area. This fits with sauropod dinosaurs that had huge back muscles and huge muscles around the waist/hip area. The verse continues by God saying behemoth’s force is in the navel of his belly. Force means strength and God is showing his built-in dictionary here. Behemoth had very strong muscles in his belly. This also fits with sauropods whose strength was in the loins and belly just as God describes here. In verse 17 we see God says behemoth moves his tail like a cedar. A cedar is a tree that in some types can grow to be as tall as 130 ft. tall with a multiple trunk. Cedar is a very strong wood and the trees have big trunks and strong. Having a tail that moves like a cedar does not fit the description of an elephant or hippopotamus. They both have very thin tails that do not have much strength or do much damage. The sauropods had long huge tails just as God describes that if moved back and forth would have done great damage to anyone or anything in its path. They would have had great strength just like the cedar tree God describes. This description alone, not even counting others God gives, shows the footnotes are clearly lies. God then says the sinews of behemoth’s stones are wrapped together. The sinews are tendons that attach muscles to bones. We know sauropods had huge bones and so they would have had to have had large tendons to attach them to the animal’s large muscles that we saw earlier described. The stones described here refers to the male sauropod’s testicles. In verse 18, God describes the bones of behemoth as being like strong pieces of brass and being like bars of iron. We see from this description how the behemoth had very strong bones. We know the sauropods had to have strong bones in order to hold up the tremendous weight they supported. Sauropods could weigh up to around 90 tons. Brass is an alloy made of copper and zinc and is very pliable, but very strong and in fact is stronger than iron. Iron as we know is very strong and is used to secure prison doors or windows with bars. God is trying to show with the description of these two metals that the bones of behemoth were both very strong, but yet did not break easy. They needed to be flexible for the weight they supported as this large animal moved. Baleen whales are very large, but they have water to help support them, whereas sauropods like behemoth did not. This is why sauropods where often around water such as marshes or rivers as we will see soon. These bone descriptions do not describe an elephant or a hippopotamus. Verse 19 shows that behemoth was the chief of the ways of God. This phrase shows that behemoth was the largest land animal that ever lived and therefore the largest sauropod dinosaur that ever lived. There is debate over what was the largest sauropod dinosaur (some say Argentinosaurus at 115 ft. long and 88 tons) and the largest may not even have been found yet. Most have only been found as incomplete skeletons, so it is possible that there are larger ones yet. Whichever it was, it was the largest land animal that God ever created and possibly largest of any animal even beyond the great whales. The description of a hippopotamus does not fit as the elephant even today is larger and we know the elephant is not the largest land animal ever, so it too is wrong. If the bible translators were honest, God fearing men who truly believed God’s words then they would know behemoth was not an elephant or a hippopotamus, but had to be a sauropod which is the only animal that fits all of the description given for behemoth.  Verse 20 says he plays in the field where the other beasts play and the mountains feed him. Verse 21 says behemoth lies under the shady trees under the cover of the reed and fens. A fen is a marsh and reeds are an aquatic grass. Scientists believe that sauropods lived around marshes and water just as described here in this verse and the next two verses. Verse 22 says the willows of the brook compass him about. Willows are trees that would have surrounded him as he was near a brook and water. Verse 23 says that behemoth drinks up a river and does not haste or hurry. He trusts that he is safe to drink up the Jordan river. He has this trust because as the chief of God’s ways or the largest ever land animal then he would have had no enemies. Even a Tyrannosaurus Rex or other large predator would not mess with a full grown behemoth. The same is seen with the elephant that an adult has no natural enemies due to its size. The fact that behemoth is described as drinking up a river shows how much water it drank. A hippopotamus and an elephant drink a lot, but not this much. Elephants also do not usually hang around marshes as is described for behemoth. Verse 24 says behemoth takes the water with his eyes. Due to his great height he would have been able to stand in most rivers and also to see far down river even if a predator was coming. His nose pierces through snares or traps. This animal would have been hard to catch, and it seems that God is showing he was hunted by man, but that when trapped in a snare, he was able to pierce it or break through it just with the strength of his nose. This clearly does not describe an elephant or a hippopotamus. We clearly see again the lies of bible translators in their footnotes. God takes great effort to describe behemoth to Job who is looking at the animal as God describes him and God clearly wants us to have a great description of a sauropod dinosaur that was still living when Job was.

     In the next chapter then God describes a marine dragon he calls leviathan. God will spend even more detail in describing it than behemoth and leviathan is mentioned more often since it is even a better type of Satan than even behemoth. Just as with behemoth then the modern corrupt counterfeit bibles will capitalize leviathan showing their support for Satan. Just as with behemoth, these counterfeit bibles will have false footnotes describing what kind of animal leviathan was to again cast doubt on God’s word and to get people to think evolution and that dinosaurs died out millions of years ago long before man came about. Just as with behemoth, these footnote animals are not even close. We will see that leviathan was either some type of plesiosaur or mososaur, which as I said earlier in the study, were a type of marine dragon. The footnotes describe leviathan usually as a crocodile. The Roman Catholic Douay Rheims which appeared a year before the KJB says a whale or sea monster and a few bible footnotes say a legendary monster. Just like the behemoth that is a sauropod which are legendary, then so was leviathan as a marine reptile, but again the bible translators are subtly trying to say leviathan was a marine dragon, but are gutless, so it becomes a legendary sea monster. If the bible translators truly believe behemoth was a hippopotamus and leviathan was a crocodile then why do they not put this in the text? They know they were not which is the reason why. We will also see in other chapters about leviathan that footnotes compare leviathan to a satanic mythological creature. The use of legendary also seems to be used by the translators to say that behemoth and leviathan were mythological creatures and were not real when God himself was describing the very animals he created and a behemoth was walking in front of Job that he could see. The bible translators always want you to doubt God’s word. Let us look at the description of leviathan as God describes in Job 41:1-34. God spends an entire chapter describing leviathan to show he was real. When we finish looking at the description God gives us of leviathan then we will clearly see this was not a crocodile. God spends a much greater amount on leviathan than he does on behemoth. Maybe God sees it as even more a comparison to Satan than behemoth or some other reason that I am not sure. Unlike behemoth which is only mentioned in the one chapter of Job, leviathan will be mentioned elsewhere in scripture. (Job 41:1-34 1 1 Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?
2 Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?
3 Will he make many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee?
4 Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever?
5 Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens?
6 Shall the companions make a banquet of him? shall they part him among the merchants?
7 Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears?
8 Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more.
9 Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?
10 None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?
11 Who hath prevented me, that I should repay himwhatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine.
12 I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion.
13 Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can come to him with his double bridle?
14 Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about.
15 His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal.
16 One is so near to another, that no air can come between them.
17 They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered.
18 By his neesings a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.
19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.
20 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.
21 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.
22 In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him.
23 The flakes of his flesh are joined together: they are firm in themselves; they cannot be moved.
24 His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.
25 When he raiseth up himself, the mighty are afraid: by reason of breakings they purify themselves.
26 The sword of him that layeth at him cannot hold: the spear, the dart, nor the habergeon.
27 He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood.
28 The arrow cannot make him flee: slingstones are turned with him into stubble.
29 Darts are counted as stubble: he laugheth at the shaking of a spear.
30 Sharp stones are under him: he spreadeth sharp pointed things upon the mire.
31 He maketh the deep to boil like a pot: he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment.
32 He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary.
33 Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear.
34 He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.) There are some people who claim this entire chapter on leviathan does not refer to some type of animal, but rather to Satan who is described as a dragon. I disagree. While it is true that Satan is called a dragon, this chapter is describing an animal and not Satan. For example Satan does not have scales as mentioned in verse 15. Others try to say leviathan represents evil and not an animal. While it is true that leviathan does represent evil, the description is clearly describing a real animal and not a representation of evil. Some say leviathan was a whale or shark, but I disagree with this as well. Leviathan is described just after God describes a dragon/dinosaur in behemoth and I believe God continues the analogy with now a marine dragon. In verse 1 on the description of leviathan, God asks Job if he can draw out leviathan with a hook or his tongue with a cord. Leviathan was a huge animal that as will be seen was not tamed or easily captured. Plesiosaurs got up to 49 feet long which is over two times as large as a great white shark and almost 2.5 times larger than most great white sharks. This is the size of the whale shark and most likely the plesiosaurs had a huge body and weight like the whale shark so hard to bring in. If leviathan was a mosasur then they too got up to 49 feet long and possibly up to 56 feet long. A sauropod would be much easier to kill than leviathan, partly even from the fact that leviathan was in the water, but was also a much quicker animal than behemoth. As a large animal, leviathan would also easily break most hooks. As a type of evil, leviathan just like evil was hard to subdue. It seems that leviathan had no natural enemies and answered only to God. Notice in this verse that God does not tell Job to behold or look at leviathan like he does with behemoth since leviathan was a marine creature and not a land animal like behemoth. This lack of this statement I believe helps show it was not a crocodile for God could have had a crocodile walk in front of Job since a crocodile spends time on both land and in water. Verse 1 seems to describe leviathan with a large tongue, but a crocodile does not have a large tongue. While it is true it would be hard to get inside its mouth to grab it, it appears that plesiosaurs and mosasaurs were similar.

     Job is asked twenty questions by God about leviathan during this chapter. Job must understand what a leviathan is or else why would God ask Job about an animal that he has never seen or maybe even heard of. It is hard to know much about an animal that you do not even know exists or at least have never seen one.

     In verse 2 God asks Job if a hook can be put into the nose of leviathan. We saw in verse 1 how God asked Job if he could draw out leviathan with a hook and now he asks can you put a hook in its nose. God was showing how leviathan was not an easy animal to be caught. God continues to ask Job if he can bore leviathan’s jaw with a thorn. Not only does this show how tough leviathan’s jaw was, but it also shows how hard it was to get close to him. Satan as an invisible being is also not easily able to be touched. In verse 3 God asks Job if leviathan will make supplications for him or will he speak soft words unto him. Supplication here refers to making an earnest or eager request on behalf of Job. It may be that this verse and others in this chapter have dual meanings referring to both the actual animal and Satan as well. This is similar to in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 which describe a king and Satan. While God is saying that will this animal make a request to him on behalf of Job, but also will Satan do that. Of course we know Satan would never do that. It was because of Satan that Job had his problems to begin with.

     Verse 4 continues the thought of a dual meaning as God asks will leviathan make a covenant with Job or be a servant to Job. Of course we know Satan does not bring peace to anyone and people are his servants and not Satan serves them. Satan promises man wealth, fame, and other success, but he never keeps his end of the bargain or only for a short time and then takes your life. How many rock stars had fleeting fame only to die young and burn in hell? An animal at the top of the food chain such as leviathan is servant to no one just as a great white shark is not. God continues in verse 5 asking Job if he will play with leviathan like a bird or will he bind him for his maidens? This again shows how dangerous an animal leviathan was that you did not play with it just as you do not play with Satan.  

     In verse 6, God asks Job if leviathan is made a meal of. This was not an animal that was commercially caught for food. This animal was not sold among the merchants. We saw in the previous verses how hard it was to capture. God continues in verse 7 to ask Job if leviathan’s skin can be filled with barbed irons or his head with fish spears. The weapons used at the time to capture meals were ineffective against leviathan and the same applies to Satan as we are in a spiritual war against him and it is the word of God and prayer that defeats him.

     God continues asking more questions to Job in verses 8-10 which seem to describe Satan as much as the animal. In verse 8 God tells Job to no longer battle leviathan as he cannot be defeated by him. God is also saying this same applies to Satan as we can only win the battle with him by God fighting it for us. God says in verse 10 that no one can stand before him for we are in the presence of the Almighty God. Verse 9 shows how those who fight leviathan will be cast down and this also applies to Satan as he will defeat those who take him on alone without God. In verse 11 God says the whole heaven is his showing his power and authority. This includes over Satan who is part of the heavens. In verse 12 God tells Job that he will not conceal leviathan’s parts, nor his power. Leviathan was a powerful animal that had no natural predators and would have been feared by all other animals. The same applies to Satan who God will show what kind of an evil being he is if they will only see what God has revealed. Satan only fear God.

     Verse 14 asks who can open the doors of leviathan’s face. His jaws were very hard to open. Not only was it nearly impossible to get close to leviathan, but his jaws were very strong. The verse continues to describe his terrible teeth that were used to tear about its prey. While a crocodile does have terrible teeth, other verses describing leviathan clearly do not match a crocodile. Verse 15 says leviathan’s scales are his pride which are shut up very closely upon each other to make a seal. Verse 16 says they are joined so near each other that air cannot come between them. This shows how leviathan was a marine animal that its scales would keep it waterproofed as well as air proofed. Verse 17 says the scales stick together and cannot be sundered or pulled into two. Fossils have shown that mosasaurs had scales as described here in scripture. Verse 18 says that by leviathan’s neezings or sneezings then a light shines. When he sneezes a light shines. This could be a literal light or light caused by reflecting light off of what is expelled when he sneezed, though I believe it means a literal light which would go along with verse 19 and fire coming out. His eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. His eyes seem to break the darkness and can be seen.

     Verse 19 describes burning lamps coming out of his mouth and sparks of fire that leap out. Most pictures of dragons always show them breathing fire out of their mouth which people often claim was just a myth, but God is describing leviathan as doing just that. I have already mentioned animals even today that emit fire when we discussed behemoth, but leviathan was truly a fire breathing dragon. This is clearly not describing a crocodile which do not emit fire from their mouths. It is probably this fire that gives the light as mentioned in verse 18. Verse 20 says smoke went out of leviathan’s nose just like a seething (boiling) pot. Where there is smoke there is fire. We see again how crocodiles do not emit smoke from their noses. Many commentators claim these last two verses are not speaking of literal fire and smoke. This is denying God’s word and casting doubt on what else is maybe not literal and is also done to deny that dragons were ever real creatures. Verse 21 says leviathan can kindle or light coals on fire with its breath and makes it very clear that he sent fire (flame) out of his mouth so that one cannot misinterpret it. There is no denying that there were literal fire breathing dragons just as the many pictures portray.

     (Job 41:22 In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him.) Verse 22 says that leviathan’s strength was in his neck and that he can turn sorrow into joy. The strength in the neck can refer to either a plesiosaur or a mosasaur. The neck of leviathan was powerful and was probably used to help tear apart its prey. Because leviathan was a top predator, it could turn what looked like a sorrowful situation into joy as it defeated its foe. Verse 23 says the flakes of leviathan’s flesh are joined together and they are firm and cannot be moved. Flakes refers to layers of skin. Leviathan would have been very muscular and had tough skin that could not be moved. We will see this with the scales and also we saw in the first couple of verses how it was hard to get a hook in him. His skin was tough and not easy to penetrate. Verse 24 shows how leviathan has a heart as firm as a stone. This animal was not going to be changed in its ways. Like a stone that is hard, the heart of leviathan was similar and he would have no sympathy upon his prey as he tore them apart and devoured them. Satan is the same way. The verse also compares leviathan’s heart to a millstone which was a large stone used to crush or grind grain. Verse 25 says that when leviathan raised up then the mighty were afraid. This animal would have even brought fear into other top predators. Satan will also bring fear upon mighty leaders who want to deny his existence or who try to betray him.

     Verse 26 says that the sword of those who use it against him cannot hold him and neither can the spear, the dart, or habergeon that is used against him. Habergeon is armor around the neck and chest. His skin was tough and these weapons could not stop him. The same applies to Satan who cannot be stopped by man, only by God. In verse 27 we see that leviathan esteemeth iron as straw and brass as wood. Esteem means to place a value on it showing that leviathan thinks little of the weapons made of iron and brass as they have little use against him. Satan is the same in that one must use the spiritual weapons of Ephesians 6 in order to fight against him since conventional weapons will not work. One must fight Satan with the word of God just as Jesus did. Verse 28 continues to describe how conventional weapons would not work against leviathan and they will not work against Satan either. The verse says arrows will not make him flee as neither leviathan or Satan are afraid of man’s arrows. Leviathan turned slingstones into rubble as if they were a toy and Satan does the same. Verse 29 shows how leviathan also turned darts into stubble and how he laughed at the threat of a spear being thrown at him. Satan too laughs as man tries to fight him without God. In verse 30 we see how leviathan had sharp stones under him which had no effect and did not even bother him. Leviathan spread pointed things upon the mire or mud as if to taunt them as he lay upon them that they had no effect upon him. Verse 31 shows how leviathan lived in the deep or sea as the KJB built-in dictionary shows. Crocodiles live near the shore and not in the middle of the ocean. We will see in other verses how ships sailed by him which again is not done with crocodiles. The verse seems to show how much marine life feared him and he feared none. Verse 32 describes how leviathan left a path in the sea as he moved. This may have been similar to how a large whale leaves a wake or v-shaped trail behind it. The verse says the path would make one think the deep or sea was hoary. Hoary means white and often the water look white from the trail of a large animal. Verse 33 describes leviathan as like no other animal upon earth that has no fear. Satan also has no fear except from God and even that is not much. Verse 34 says leviathan is king over all of the children of pride. Leviathan as a powerful animal would have been proud believing it was invincible. Satan is the same as it was his pride that led to his rebellion and down fall against God. Satan encourages others to be full of pride as he rules as king over them, but God warns that pride will bring destruction. 

     Leviathan is mentioned in three other places in scripture. Psalm 74:13-14 shows leviathan was a marine dragon with God’s built-in dictionary and we also see how leviathan was eaten by people. (Psalm 74:13-14 13 Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters.
14 Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.) Psalm 104:25-26 again show leviathan lived in the sea and swam among ships. (Psalm 104:25-26 25 So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.
26 There go the ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.) The final mention of leviathan is found in Isaiah 27:1 which again shows leviathan as a marine dragon. Leviathan is also referred to as a serpent. We know Satan is called the dragon and serpent and so we see once again how leviathan is a representation of Satan as well as being a real marine dragon. (Isaiah 27:1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.)

     Satan as I have said is compared in scripture to a dragon showing how the animal dragons are a type of Satan. Maybe this is why they are so popular today since so many people are blinded by Satan and think he is God. Satan is referred to as a dragon twelve times in Revelation chapters 12, 13, 16, and 20. The number twelve represents governmental perfection and we know Satan has his own kingdom. It will be Satan as the dragon that will give the antichrist or the beast his power during the tribulation. (Revelation 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,) See Revelation 12:3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, Revelation 13:2, 4, 11, and Revelation 16:13.

     Satan is also called that old serpent as we saw in Revelation 20:2. This may be why so many people hate snakes. That old serpent that Revelation 20:2 is referring to is how Satan indwelt a serpent back in the garden of Eden in order to deceive Eve. This is found in Genesis 3. (Read Genesis 3:1-4 or so) Just as the dragon is a real animal, so is the serpent even though they both also are a type of Satan. Throughout scripture both dragons and serpents are always portrayed in a negative way. Isaiah 30:6 describes a fiery flying serpent which I previously mentioned may refer to a flying dragon or pterosaur.   

     One other animal that I want to look at is the unicorn. The unicorn was not a dragon, but just like the dragon is often referred to as a mythological creature and is used by people to try and discredit the King James Bible when it was just as real as the dragon was and just like the dragon I believe is still around today. The unicorn was not this white horse like animal with a long single horn on its forehead as often shown in pictures which I believe has been done to discredit the animal and God. Just as the modern corrupt counterfeit bibles, including the false NKJV, change dragon to a jackal in order to deny their real existence, then most bibles change unicorn to wild ox to try and pretend that unicorns were not real. I have heard that one changed it to buffalo, but I have not seen that so I cannot confirm that. God himself while talking to Job mentions the unicorn as a real animal just as he did with behemoth and leviathan. (Job 39:9-10 9 Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?
10 Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?) The unicorn is mentioned nine times in scripture and it portrays strength as mentioned in Numbers 23:22 and Numbers 24:8. (Numbers 23:22 God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn.) (Numbers 24:8 God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.) God describes the unicorn as having one horn. The very word unicorn means one horn from uni meaning one and corn from the Latin cornus meaning horn and thus one horn. (Psalm 92:10 But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.) God clearly shows a unicorn has one horn as does its very name and yet bible translators who do not believe God have once again shown their foolishness, ignorance, and unbelief by changing unicorn to wild ox. An ox has two horns, not one. If there is a bible that uses buffalo for unicorn then it too has two horns, not one showing it too is wrong. Why do bible translators change in the text unicorn to wild ox and yet they will not change behemoth and leviathan to a hippopotamus and crocodile in the text? Makes you wonder their motive. The Douay-Rheims bible replaces unicorn with rhinoceros. This is the only bible I know that does that. I do not agree with the Douay-Rheims bible in most places, but I do believe that the unicorn was a real animal and that it most likely was a rhinoceros, but the name should have been left as unicorn just as God calls it. The word rhinoceros was around when the King James Bible translators wrote it so they could have used that word if they had chosen to do so, but God told them to use the word unicorn which again describes the animal from its very name whereas rhinoceros does not. The unicorn was most likely an extinct rhinoceros known as the Siberian elasmotherium which was the size of a mammoth. This rhinoceros had one large horn on its forehead just as God describes the unicorn with and just as all rhinoceros were very strong just as God mentions their strength. The modern day Indian rhinoceros even still has the name unicorn in its scientific name. It is Rhinoceros unicornis. Therefore the unicorn is still with us today.

     People need to learn to trust God and believe what he says in his word when he describes an animal as God does not use mythological creatures in scripture, but only real ones. The dragon was real and so was the unicorn and I believe both are still around today in small numbers. I have presented the evidence and now it is up to you to trust what God says in the King James Bible or believe corrupt bible translators and their false bibles and the atheist scientists and evolution. Your salvation depends on who you choose to believe. If the corrupt bibles cannot get a simple thing like dragons and unicorns right then how can you trust them to have the verses about your salvation right? Read and believe the King James Bible for the truth and trust in Jesus for your salvation. Call upon Jesus now if you are lost.