Sermons and scripture lessons

Below is a link for some online sermons. Unless otherwise noted, all of the written sermons below were written by me as given to me by the Holy Ghost. (Not sure all sermons use the King James Bible. Highly recommend Pastor J. Harold Smith’s sermon “God’s Three deadlines.” Many great preachers are on this site.)

My Sermons:

3:16 Verses

Abraham the obedient father and type of God the Father

According to the word of the LORD

Alleged Contradictions in Scripture

Angels and spiritual beings

Animals Teaching Man

Be like Jesus

Be Thankful

Bread in Scripture

Christian Martyrs for Jesus

Colors in Scripture 

Curse Israel and you will be cursed

Dangers of Calvinism

Deadliest battles in scripture

Deserts in scripture and in our lives

False Doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses

False Doctrines of Mormonism

False Doctrines of Seventh-day Adventism

False Religion of Buddhism

False Religion of Hinduism

False Religion of Islam

False Religion of Judaism

Freedom and Liberty come from God

Freemasonry is Satanism in Disguise

From the resurrection to the ascension

Genealogies of Jesus

Gifts of the Holy Ghost

God is Light

God is Love

God the Holy Ghost

Halloween and the connection to Satan

Honour Thy Mother

Isaiah 53

Jesus in the feast of Purim

Jesus in the feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread

Jesus in the feast of firstfruits

Jesus in the feast of Pentecost 

Jesus in the feast of trumpets

Jesus in the day of atonement

Jesus in the Feast of Tabernacles

Jesus in Hanukkah

Jesus in the Tabernacle

Jesus as the Temple

Jesus is the door that all must enter for everlasting life

Jesus is the Light of the World and Christians Should Reflect that Light

Jesus in the Lord’s supper or communion

Jesus represented in the sabbath

Jesus versus Mohammad

Jewish tragedies on the 9th of Av


Joseph as a type of Jesus



Martyrs in the Lord’s Army

Moses as a type of Jesus


Nehemiah 3 and the ten gates of the Jerusalem wall


Our Nation Was Founded Upon God



Pre-incarnate Appearances of Jesus (Theophanies)

Proof that God exists in two words: the Jews

Proof that Jesus is God

Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus at his First Coming

Prophecies of the Second Coming of Jesus

Psalm 23

Roman Catholicism and her False Doctrines

Santa is Satan and his little elves are devils

Serve in the Lord’s Army

Seven Vial Judgments of Revelation

Significant events that happened on 17 Nisan  

Star of Bethlehem

Thankful people in scripture 

The Battle of Gog and Magog

The Books of God

The Crucifixion of Jesus

The Egyptian gods and goddesses of the ten plagues and their judgment and defeat by the God of gods

The Exodus 

The Good Samaritan

The Gospel in Stone

The Gospel in the Stars

The Greatest Father Anyone Can Have And Everyone Needs

The Handwriting of God

The Illegal Trial of Jesus

The King James Bible Built-in Dictionary

The Miracles at the Crucifixion of Jesus

The New Year’s resolutions that need to be kept

The Number Seven in Scripture

The Number Three in Scripture 

The Riotous Son

The True Creationism of the Scriptures versus False Theories

The Unscriptural Flat Earth Theory

The Unscriptural Lucifer Flood

The Widow Woman and the Oil

The Word Became Flesh

Types of the Holy Ghost in scripture

Was Jesus born on Christmas?

Was Jesus Crucified on Friday?

Water in Scripture

Weather in scripture

Who are the sons of God of Genesis 6?

Work is from God

Worshipping God in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs
