A cult is a supposedly Christian denomination that denies or changes the main beliefs of Christianity. All cults are false Christianity and dangerous as they deceive their people and are ultimately sending them on a path to an eternity in hell and the lake of fire. All cults are from Satan, not God. Below is just a few of the bigger ones and is by no means a complete list of every cult. Most people never recognize the two biggest cults in Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy while others are recognized by most professing Christians. The difference between a cult and a false religion is that cults claim to be Christians whereas false religions do not. False religions are based off other gods and not Jesus even though cults have a false Jesus than the Jesus of scripture. Some false religions are Islam. Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and there are others.

Signs of a cult.

     There are many signs of a cult that are recognized by all cult authorities. Here are some of them. Not all signs are shown. Not every cult will fit every sign mentioned below.

1. The leader is the ultimate authority and above the law and is infallible.

2. The group suppresses criticism and one is only to read approved sources.

3. Cults try to never let a member leave.

4. Cults claim to be the one true church and salvation is only by them. .

5. Only the leaders of the cult can understand their literature.

6. Cults add to scripture and often have their own books.

7. Cults subtract from scripture.

8. Cults use intimidation and fear for obedience.

9. Cults are often involved in illegal activities.

10. Cults always distort the gospel and add works for salvation.

11. Cults use means to deceive and control their followers.

12. Cults are often legalistic on how their members must live.

13. Cults use Christian terms with different meanings than used in scripture or in standard Christianity.

14. Normally have other literature, books, et cetera that are considered equal or above scripture.

15. Jesus is replaced by someone-something else or at least very minimized.

16. Cults normally claim they go back to the apostles.

17. Cult leaders get new revelations.

Roman Catholicism

False Doctrines of Mormonism

False Doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses

False Doctrines of Seventh-day Adventism