False Religion of Islam

     Islam was founded by Mohammed in AD 610. Mohammed was forty years old and claimed to have visions from God by the angel Gabriel. Mohammed claimed to continue to get these revelations over the next 22 years and this is where the supposed Koran (Qur’an) came from. The Koran is Islam’s holy book and is considered infallible. Islam and Mormonism where both founded by men who claimed to have had a vision from an angel. Paul said that even if an angel preached a gospel other than what he preached that they were to be accursed. God was warning of such deception. (Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.) Satan himself appears as an angel of light. (II Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.) Supposedly Mohammed was told to turn away from the many idols of his people and to turn to the one god Allah. In reality all Mohammed did was pick his favorite god from the twelve tribal gods his people worshipped. The god he chose was the moon god Allah which he then said was the only true god. This is why the symbol of Islam is the crescent moon. Mohammed was living in Mecca when he founded Islam and stayed there for 12 years before moving to Medina in 622. This is known as the Hijra which means emigration.

     In reality Islam was founded when the Roman Catholic Church under the authority of the pope had the Roman Catholic Khadija marry Mohammed and start a new religion. Khadija had money to do so. The Roman Catholic Church wanted to control the Holy Land and Jerusalem when God had given it to the Jews. The pope wanted a new religion started to gain control of the Holy Land and not make the “Church” look bad and then would control Islam. Islam grew too fast and the Roman Catholic Church could no longer control Islam and this is one of the reasons for the crusades. The crusades were to destroy both the Jews to gain control of the Holy Land as well as to destroy Islam which had gotten out of control. Many people including the Roman Catholic Church deny the truth of the founding of Islam, but a former Jesuit priest Alberto Riviera who was saved revealed the truth. The Jesuits were founded to do the dirty work of the pope so he would be told the dark secrets of Roman Catholicism. If you compare the two religions you will see that they have much in common including the importance of Mary. Many Muslims are getting visions from Mary (devils) today just as many Roman Catholics are. I believe during the great tribulation, it will be apparition Mary and the shared belief by both Roman Catholics and Muslims that will unite the Muslims under the pope as the antichrist. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 841) says Muslims worship the same god as them and they do not need to be converted to Roman Catholicism as they are saved. They are right in that both worship the same god, but that god is Satan. Mary is the only female mentioned by name in the Koran and even has a chapter (Sura 19) named after her. Jesus is often referred to as the son of Mary.

     Islam and Roman Catholicism share many similarities which can be seen since Islam was started by the Roman Catholic Church. Both claim to be the only true religion. Both require mandatory fasting. The Roman Catholic Church gives titles of God to Mary and worships her and Islam has great devotion to Mary as well. She has Sura 19 named after her in the Koran and is mentioned 34 times in the Koran. Both base their salvation on good works and neither has assurance of salvation, not even its leaders. Neither believes in the scriptural atonement with Roman Catholicism having purgatory and Islam good works waiting for judgment day to see if enough were done. Both claim visions gave them doctrines. Islam got the Koran from Gabriel given to Mohammed and the pope got Assumption of Mary. The Roman Catholic Church uses rosary beads and Muslims use prayer beads both of which have heathen origins. The pope is considered the substitute for Jesus here on earth and Mohammed succeeded Jesus as prophet and as the greatest prophet. Both have their own way of divorce. Roman Catholicism has annulments and Muslim men can divorce their wife by just saying they are divorced. Both believe if you leave their religion then you will be damned to hell. Both have a long history of hatred to Jews. Both have many traditions and beliefs based on heathen origins. Both have added books considered scripture. Both have a long history of sexual abuse to children and women. Both have used forced conversions over the years with threats of death to those who did not comply. Both unite the state with their beliefs and both have a holy place as their headquarters. Both have pilgrimages and holy wars. Both revere the sun and moon gods. The sun and moon is all over the monstrance and the crescent moon is the symbol of Islam. Both want the world under their religion and domination. There are many other similarities.

     Islam along with Christianity and Judaism are known as monotheistic religions as the followers only believe in one God or god unlike other religions that are polytheistic believing in many gods. They are also known as Abrahamic religions as all claim to descend from Abraham with Christianity and Judaism from Abraham’s son Isaac and Islam from Abraham’s son Ishmael. Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity with 1.9 billion Muslims [Moslems] as followers of Islam are known as. They were at one time referred to as Mohammedans up to about the 1950’s. It is either the fastest growing major religion or the second fastest after Christianity depending on the source. Islam teaches it is the only religion. Islam means submission.  

     When Mohammed moved to Medina he started changing Islam to being more violent. When he lived in Mecca he was greatly outnumbered so he was persecuted, but after he moved he quickly gained converts and went back to Mecca to take control of the people. Most converts to Islam over the years are by forced conversions. The difference can be seen in the Koran as well as the verses he wrote while in Mecca are of a peaceful religion, but once in Medina Islam becomes a warrior religion. Mohammed even claimed in Sura (chapter) 9:5 that the Koran verses in Mecca were abrogated which means cancelled and were no longer true. (Sura 9:5 … so kill the polytheists wherever you find them …) [This includes Christians and Jews] It is the peaceful verses from Mecca that Muslims will read to people to pretend that Islam is a peaceful religion when in reality it is a very dangerous religion. Anyone who is not a Muslim is considered an infidel. Muslims have always used forced conversions as well as forced taxes known as Jizyah to control people. God does not force anyone to become a Christian. Notice how this also agrees with how the Roman Catholic Church has operated over the years. God said he never changes so if the Koran was from God and is considered infallible, then why would he have Mohammed write verses in Mecca and then override them in Medina? (Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.) Islam has a long history of violence and killing people. Islam is known for its Jihad or holy wars. Roman Catholicism had the crusades as her holy wars. Many of the Muslims who kill and harm people are said to be radical Muslims. This is not true. These Muslims are the true Muslims and are the only ones truly obeying the Koran. If Christians obeyed the Holy Bible the way these so called radicals obey the Koran, then this would be a much different world we would live in. Women have no freedom or say in Islam and are treated as property. In Islam then religion and government are considered one. Lately Islam especially in the United States and Europe has been trying to take over by having many children as well as getting many people in the government. Islam wants to take over the world.

     The Koran in Arabic is considered the holy book of Islam. It is Qur’an in Arabic. Koran means “read” or “recitation”. The Koran takes many stories from the Holy Bible and then distorts them such as Abraham sacrificing Isaac is changed to sacrificing Ishmael and the Genesis flood story is distorted to a local flood. The Koran is considered only correct in Arabic yet most Muslims do not speak or understand Arabic. They are taught to memorize and site words, but they do not understand them. This is also similar to how the Roman Catholic Church made her people listen to Mass in Latin long after anyone understood Latin. These things are done for control purposes. Many scientific and historical facts are wrong in the Koran yet it says it is infallible or without error. Islam teaches that the Holy Bible has been corrupted and that is why God gave the Koran to Mohammed. Many contradictions exist in the Koran. A good English translation of the Koran is the Generous Qur’an by Usama Dakdok.

     Mohammed, who is the man God used to supposedly start the true religion, was married to 23 women including Aisha who was 8 years old when Mohammed married her. Some sources say she was 6. He was 53 when he married her. God never approved of having multiple wives known as polygamy or marrying such a young girl. Mohammed was considered the last and greatest of all Muslim prophets.

     The Muslim calendar starts with year 1 being in 622 when Mohammed moved to Medina.  

     A person supposedly becomes a Muslim at birth if the parents are Muslim and one joining Islam becomes a Muslim by saying “There is no true god but Allah and Mohammed is the prophet of God.” This is known as the Testimony of Faith (Shahada).

     Islam has what is known as the Hadith besides the Koran. Hadiths are supposed sayings and traditions of Mohammed that all Muslims are to follow. The Koran and the Hadith are the two holy books of Islam.

     Islam is broken up into two main branches known as the Sunnis and Shiites (Shia). This would be similar to Christian denominations. The Sunnis make up the vast majority of Muslims with about 85-90% and most of the rest are Shiites with a small percentage made up of what are considered cults by Muslims such as the Surfs and the Nation of Islam. Following the death of Mohammed dissension arose over who should follow Mohammed as the leader of Islam. Some Muslims followed Ali ibn Abi Talib and these became the Shia Muslims and some Muslims followed Abu Bakr and became the Sunni Muslims. The religious leaders of Islam are known as Imams.

     A Muslim enters heaven by having their good works outweigh their bad works. A Muslim is supposedly only guaranteed heaven if they die in jihad. This is one reason for so many Muslim suicide bombers as they believe they go straight to heaven. In reality they go straight to hell for rejecting Jesus as their Saviour and not because of suicide as so many people believe and teach. Muslim men believe they will spend eternity with 72 virgins in heaven.

     All Muslims are expected to follow the Five Pillars of Islam and they are considered obligatory.  The first pillar is the Shahada or the Declaration of Faith where a person declares that Allah is god and Mohammed is his messenger. This supposedly makes a person a Muslim. After becoming a Muslim, they are obligated to follow the other four pillars.

     The second pillar is Salah or prayer. A Muslim is obligated to pray five times a day at certain times while facing Mecca. Notice how they copied from the Jews who face Jerusalem. Before praying a Muslim must wash his hands, his face, and feet. A Christian can pray in any direction at any time and no matter how dirty they are. A Muslim’s prayers are just repeated sayings. God condemned this vain repetition. (Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.) A Muslim kneels on the ground and then prostrates his face rocking back and forth. A dedicated Muslim can actually wear a spot in his forehead from the ground. The mosque is the preferred place for prayer, but a Muslim must perform these prayers no matter where they are. The declaration of faith is said in every prayer, so it is said five times a day confirming they are a Muslim. This faith is the first thing said to a baby and the last thing said to a dying person.

     The third pillar is Zakat or almsgiving. A Muslim is obligated to spend 2.5% of their income on things supporting the Islamic community such as the mosques. The rich are to give comparable to their wealth. The money is to go to the community that you use. The Muslim must announce to Allah they are giving the money and it then must be done the same day. The poor are not obligated to give as much money, but then must do good works in place of giving money.

     The fourth pillar is Sawm (fasting). Muslims are expected to fast during the month of Ramadan on the Islamic calendar. This month is considered holy by Muslims. Ramadan changes each year on our calendar as the Islamic calendar is based on a lunar year. Muslims are obligated to fast from sunrise to sunset and to not only avoid eating food or drink but to refrain from sex and smoking. They can do all of these things at night. At the end of the month they break the fast with a three day feast. Fasting is required for all Muslims who have reached puberty and only those Muslims with medical issues are exempt from fasting.  

     The fifth pillar is Hajj or pilgrimage. A Muslim is expected to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least one time in their lifetime during the Islamic twelfth month. All Muslims making the pilgrimage are to wear only two white sheets so all pilgrims look alike and there are no class distinctions. These sheets are put on just before entering the sanctuary area of Mecca as a sign of purity. The Muslim who has made the trip is known as a hajj. The main rituals at the pilgrimage are walking seven times around the Kaaba, touching the Black Stone, traveling seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, and symbolically stoning the devil in Mina. The pilgrimage is supposedly done to walk where Mohammed did and hope Allah will give them spiritual insight as well. The black stone was supposedly placed there by Mohammed and supposedly fell from heaven to be a guide for Adam to build an altar. The black stone is known to have occult connections to the Kaaba before Mohammed and with the fertility goddess. The framework of the black stone is said to resemble the exterior female genitalia (vulva). Muslims believe the stone was originally white but became black from the sins of all the people touching it. Muslims attempt to kiss the stone if possible during their hajj. The male changes his headdress after making the hajj from the black checkered headdress to a red checkered headdress. The Shiite Muslims five pillars are the same with slight differences.

     The Shiite Muslims look for the twelfth imam to come at the end of time and restore peace and establish Islam throughout the world. They believe the first eleven successors to Mohammed were the first eleven Imams. The twelfth imam is supposedly alive and has been in occultation or waiting supernaturally for his return. Supposedly the twelfth imam will return with Jesus whom Muslims refer to as Isa. In order for him to return the world must be fighting and much violence going on. This is one reason that Muslims are also fighting either themselves or someone else. The first eleven imams were all murdered. Both sects of Islam are always fighting each other. If this was the true religion of God, this would not be true. God said to love your enemies, but Muslims are always killing. (Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;)

     The three holiest cities in Islam are Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. Muslims share some beliefs with Judaism and Christianity. They believe in angels and hell. Some of the people considered prophets in Islam are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Mohammed is considered the last and greatest prophet of Islam.  

     Muslims believe Jesus (Isa) was a prophet and believe he was born of a virgin and performed miracles something they say not even Mohammed did who is considered the greatest prophet. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet from birth. Jesus supposedly spoke at birth according to Muslims. Muslims do not believe Jesus is the Son of God. Muslims say Allah has no Son. Muslims believe Jesus was sinless, but say Mohammed sinned. The Koran contradicts itself on the crucifixion of Jesus. Three verses say Jesus died, but one says he did not. Muslim scholars claim Jesus did not die, but was removed from the cross and Judas died in his place. Muslims believe Jesus will return in the end times. The Koran says Jesus was created from dust just like Adam. (Sura 3:59 … He created him from dust. …)

     Muslims are not allowed to eat pork. Muslims want all nations to live under Sharia which means Islamic law. Sharia is in Muslim majority nations. Imams are the leaders of Islam who interpret the Koran and the Hadith and Muslims worship in mosques. Just as Jews eat kosher meat, Muslims are only supposed to eat halal meat which is meat that meets certain specifications and is blessed for Allah. Christians should not eat halal meat as Islamic terrorist groups receive money by those who certify meat as halal and you are supporting terrorist groups. You are also supporting meat dedicated to a false god Allah. Adam is considered the first Muslim and first prophet of Islam.

     The Koran says there are seven heavens when scripture says only three heavens. (Sura 41:12) The Koran says the sun orbits the earth when it is the other way around. (Sura 21:33) The Koran says the earth is flat. (Sura 71:19 and others) The Koran says the sun sets in a muddy spring. (Sura 18:86-90) The Koran says ants can speak languages of man. (Sura 27:18) These false scientific facts and many others prove the Koran is not inspired from God. Many contradictions are also found in the Koran again showing it was not inspired.    

     Sura 9:13 says Muslims are to fight and kill anyone who insults Islam or Mohammed. All non-Muslims are considered infidels and are to be killed, converted or forced to pay a tax. All Muslims who do not go to war will go to hell. See how Islam controls its people. True Christianity does not do that.  

     Islam teaches that hell is a place where a person suffers both physically and spiritually. The punishment is in relation to the sins they committed. Islamic hell is made up of many levels with each one more severe than the previous one. They believe hell is so deep that if you dropped a stone in it that it would take 70 years to reach the bottom. Islamic hell is referred to as Jahannam. Some Muslims believe that a person in hell will eventually be annihilated. God says otherwise that it will be everlasting punishment. (Matthew 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.) Some Muslim scholars believe hell is a sentient being rather than a place. Muslims who seem like real Muslims on the outside, but really are not on the inside go to hell. The level of hell is harsher for Jews, then Christians, and then Muslims who deserve hell have the easiest level. A Muslim can go to hell for improperly performing a ritual washing, cruelty to animals, careless words, arrogance and stubbornness and other reasons that the blood of Jesus can wash away.

     Islam teaches that there are seven heavens. Jannah is the highest heaven or paradise in Islam. Men who go to heaven are said to get 72 perpetual virgins. It does not say what women get. Some Muslim scholars teach that in heaven a Muslim gets whatever they want. Muslims believe in a day of judgment when all the dead will be brought back to life to face judgment and if the good deeds outweigh the bad deeds then the Muslim goes to heaven and others to hell. The Koran teaches that heaven is a beautiful garden. A Muslim does not know where they will go until they reach the day of judgment. Even Mohammed said he did not know where he would end up and he is considered the restorer of Islam and greatest Muslim.

     Islam teaches that Allah created the universe. Some places he did it in six days and in other places it was much longer with each day lasting 50,000 years. This supports the false old earth belief.  

     I previously mentioned how Islam wants to make the whole world Muslims and have a world Islamic caliphate. This is happening in Europe with not only many Muslims moving in, but also by having many children. Places in France and Germany have been completely taken over by Muslims and they refuse to let no-Muslims in their area even the police. This has happened in smaller scale in Michigan in places like Dearborn. Muslim terrorist groups have gained great grounds in recent years and have an ultimate goal of destroying Israel. Many all over the world are suffering at the hands of Muslims. Some theologians believe the antichrist will be a Muslim rather than come from Europe since they are quickly taking over the world. Many Muslims have gotten saved due to seeing the rise of Islamic terror and preferring the peace of Jesus Christ. Many Muslims have seen visions of Jesus and have gotten saved as well especially in Iran. I believe many Muslims will get saved during the great tribulation. Islamic nations along with Russia which has a large Muslim population will be the nations as mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39 that will come against Israel in the future in what is referred to as the battle of Gog and Magog. God will supernaturally intervene to save Israel and will destroy most of the attackers. I believe this will spell the end of Islam as a major religion.    

     Many non-Muslims including professing Christians say that the God of the Bible is the same as Allah. No Muslim would ever say that. How sad that professing Christians believe that. Some bible translators have even used the name Allah in place of God. It is sad that a Muslim is wiser than a professing Christian. The pope and the Roman Catholic Church say the god of Islam is the same as the Christian God and that Muslims are saved because they worship the same god. (See Catechism of the Catholic Church 841, page 223) They do not. Allah who is the god of Islam is not like Jehovah God of the scriptures. God never changes yet Allah does. (Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.) (Sura 2:106 Whatever verse we abrogate … we bring a better verse …) God got scripture right the first time and does not need to change it. Allah has no son, but God has his Son Jesus. (Sura 2:116) God’s love to us is unconditional whereas Allah’s love is conditional to what the Muslim does. (Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.) (Sura 2:190 … Allah does not love the transgressors.) God cannot lie yet Allah deceives Muslims. (Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;) (Sura 3:54 … Allah is the best deceiver.) God became flesh in Jesus, but Allah never did. (John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.) (Sura 5:72) Islam denies the Godhead. (Sura 5:73) Muslims believe Christians worship three Gods and say Allah is one god. Muslims do not understand that God is one God in three persons. (I John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.) Allah is very removed and distant from people whereas God very much cares and interacts with his creation, especially man.

     Islam does not believe in man being born with a sin nature passed on from Adam. Salvation is simply based on one’s works weighed out. The Bible is believed by Muslims to have been a revelation from God, but that it has been corrupted and superseded by the Koran.  

     To any precious Muslim soul that may be listening to this sermon, I plead to you that you realize that Allah is a false god, Satan himself, and that you will turn to the Jesus of the Holy Bible who is more than just a prophet, but is God himself. You can be guaranteed to go to heaven without doing any works. All you need to do is to realize that you are a sinner and call upon Jesus today and ask him to save you. If you did this with sincerity in your heart then Jesus will save you and guarantees that you will never lose your salvation and you will spend eternity with him. Please get out of Islam which is nothing more than a terrorist religion and call upon Jesus today. For those who are saved, please tell other Muslims about Jesus so that they may be saved as well.